About the DAO Modifications Category

Welcome to the DAO Modifications Forum!
This category is designed for discussing proposals to change the governance architecture of the Perion DAO. DAO Modifications include, but are not limited to: Changes in vote thresholds and quorums, adjustments to the governance structure, fixes and/or improvements.

Correct proposal formatting
All proposals must be formatted correctly. Proposal templates and examples may be found here:

Naming convention
The naming convention for DAO modification votes utilises the following format:

  • DM-001: “insert_title_here”
  • DM-002: “insert_title_here”
  • DM-003: “insert_title_here”

Proposal submissions
Perion subcommittee members are encouraged to submit proposals utilising the above formatting. The broader Perion community is invited to suggest ideas for consideration. Note all community suggestions for DAO modifications should be made via the Proposal Suggestions category and include the tags: Proposal suggestion and DAO modification.

To provide further context of the systems operation an overview of the DAO governance modification process as outlined in our documentation:

  1. Creating and refining the mandate: A SubDAO subcommittee member interested in making improvements to the DAO must develop a proposal detailing the changes.
  2. Timeline and voting details: The initial proposal development timeline is open-ended. There is a 7-day commentary window for input from the community, subcommittees, and independents, followed by a 7-day adjustment window for the subcommittee to modify the mandate.
  3. Voting stage I: Subcommittee consensus: This phase is crucial during the governance rollout. A subcommittee (SC) vote determines whether the proposal is submitted to the Treasury grants module. The SC voting window lasts 72 hours.
  4. Voting stage II: Global subcommittee consensus: The process advances to the Treasury grant module, where each SubDAO subcommittee votes to approve or deny the proposal. The proposal passes if over 50% of the Core SubDAOs subcommittees independently vote to approve. The voting window is also 72 hours.

Additional details
For all additional details please visit the Perion documentation, alternatively you can skip to the DAO modifications section to explore further details surrounding DAO modifications.

Note DAO modification votes will not be required until Q4 2023. This grace period will allow us to make changes, fix any bugs and ensure parameters are set to maximise community engagement.

We look forward to your valuable contributions to shaping the future of the Perion DAO governance.

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