The Proposal Suggestion Category

Welcome to the Proposal Suggestions Forum!
This category is designed for the Perion community to share ideas and suggestions for new proposals, whether they relate to Funding Mandates or DAO Modifications. Your input is invaluable in shaping the future of the Perion ecosystem.

Guidelines for posting

  1. Clear titles: Ensure your suggestions have clear and concise titles, indicating which proposal type they relate to (Funding Mandate or DAO Modification) for easy navigation.
  2. Use of polls: To gauge community sentiment, we encourage you to include polls in your suggestions, allowing members to express their approval or disapproval of the idea.

Please note the more detail, clear ideation and community engagement with a proposal, the more likely it is to be utilised, or integrated into a governance vote. It is strongly suggested to follow the proposal formats utilised by Funding Mandates and DAO Modifications. Polls that achieve a >50% approval, while attracting a significant number of votes are also helpful.

Before submitting a proposal suggestion, please familiarise yourself with the relevant categories:

  • Funding Mandates Proposals related to the allocation and utilisation of funds from the Perion treasury for investments in web3.0 games, eSports, the creation of Web3.0 products and community initiatives.
  • DAO Modifications: Proposals focused on changes to the governance architecture of the Perion DAO, including but not limited to: Changes in vote thresholds and quorums, adjustments to the governance structure, and fixes or improvements.

Additional details
For all additional details, please visit the Perion documentation.

Please be aware that subcommittee members are not restricted to proposing funding mandates solely within their own domain. For instance, a Gaming subcommittee member can suggest a funding mandate for a product to be developed by the Product subcommittee. Additionally, the Independent Validator is also welcome to contribute suggestions in this area.

By participating in the Proposal Suggestions Forum, you are actively contributing to the continuous improvement and growth of the Perion ecosystem. We eagerly anticipate your creative ideas and valuable insights.